Penalty box!! What did I do??

I admit I do no understand Hockey completely, though the purpose seems to be getting the puck into your goal – everything in between can be penalties in the process yet the player not acknowledging the individual responsibility until the penalty sounds. Not picking on Hockey here, only using the indentifying example easily related to. This week has been one of hearing how people feel life penalizes them unjustly – without taking into account due fault of the primary source – our self. Glass ceilings, motherhood hindering advancement in the world and the oh so typical “It wasn’t my fault!” Hmm... , you are feeling a penalty of life without accountability with the mirror turned outward in justification. Nice package and subduing to the mind though the inward feelings which can not be mirrored are still expressing the negativity of actions to the heart. He/she hurt me and needs to understand the consequences? You are a living consequence of owned actions in life with the only one putting you in a penalty box is you and your perceptions in life connected to consequences.

If somebody else could just believe in your path of believing the world would see you are right, alas what have you done to believe in the path of thinking of another and remove the penalty box of limited thinking? They will see someday the errors of their ways – yet have we seen our own while in the penalty box? A penalty box, which exist in the illusion of putting substance to justifying our acts through feeling the acts of another were irrational. Has anybody seen a glass ceiling – or have you created a barrier which needs to be broken? Were you hired for a job and given a knowledge motherhood would hinder your performance or did you put your self doubts into the penalty box finding an employer would be at error if not taking into account your personal life and would you have changed your decision to have children based on future income allowing yourself to be free of your penalty box?

WE all create our penalty box in life due to our actions and perceptions WE have nobody else to blame unless we choose not to stand accountable to us. EACH day of your life you have a new choice and canvas to paint of your life without penalty, though a choice is made repeatedly to carry yesterday into the background of the new canvas being painted. Layering the background, with judgments and faults and assumptions of others, who created a penalty box in the process of life and our moments of existence? God/spirit has given you a new canvas each day and the free will to repaint the past, with forgiving being the allowance and acceptance of moving forward free of the penalty box. How do you do that? Telling yourself to forget is not the answer, expecting another to forgive you is not the answer – the answer lies in YOU remembering not to repeat the errors of yesterday, clearing judgments of yesterday and choosing not to create the penalty box today. Forgiving your self in the energy finding fresh life today. Fresh to reach out to another releasing the penalty as if meeting for the first time for the start of a new day and canvas of life and extending that hand or greeting as you would a stranger with the only feelings attached are the feelings of the present moment. What you hold unto, your energy holds unto imprinting your soul pattern as definite confirmation of who YOU choose to be, if negative this energy will grow in soreness and penalty creating your life to be free from the penalty box and in some form in the physical world – that soreness will manifest into a physical ill in life. Many who do face disease and sickness in life will attribute this to others, environment or outside factors in life feeling it is not about me – the cause it external. YOU are spirit in a physical existence first and how you imprint your spiritual body into your physical existence. Today make a list of the reasons you are in a penalty box in life and how YOU can remove yourself through your actions, readying yourself for a new canvas tomorrow free of penalty. Free will allows us to create and remove at will obstructions and imprints of our creation, including the penalty box! You have scored as the team of one in doing so. The “we” of who you are as cleared the timer and penalty of life.


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