Releasing and un-tethering

Releasing and un-tethering (Dream Analysis)

Those times when you wake in the wee morning hours and return to sleep the most vivid of dreams become part of your senses and this morning was such a time. The dream found it's location on a dark day with clouds and no sign of the sun unraveling on a street which could be in anyone's town. Large old houses with the street coming to a T intersection in front of two of the houses. First observance was of a man who was entertaining two large dogs mammoth in size in the form of a German Sheppard and a Chow mix. As the man turned to cross the intersection and return to another house the two dogs started to move towards the street barking and jumping to follow, though I noticed both were anchored with large thick chains. As they moved the chains actually were lengthening and giving the dogs more freedom to bark and pursue the man. Then I was looking eye to eye with the dogs catching their attention and their hunger which I sensed was their reasoning for the man to return.

I now noticed I had a long thick piece of jerky in my hand they smelled as I walked I threw the jerky loosely at the dogs, only to have a crocodile appear and snag the jerky from the dogs. When I dream like this, I am well aware of being in the dream and feel protected by the thought I am creating the events and can change the outcome more so than we give way to during our physical days at times. The crocodile I sensed would only be a predator if I stayed on lower ground and with a spin of thought I was now in a house on a counter, yet water was filling the house and I could see the erratic pursuit of a large orange snake approaching, even in the dream state – all I could think of was "here comes the snake again!"

Knowing the water was rising and this snake was clearly able to rise above water, I knew a counter top backed against a wall was not a saving grace in meeting the snake, was I prey or could I change the outcome. Wake or sleeping I am one who immediately searches out resolution opposed to allowing or fearing the outcome. Observing, resolving and analyzing are part of who I am. If I stayed in fear I was prey to the outcome of the snake's choice, without the fear options become known in changing the outcome. I stood on the outcome of change and the counter available. Taking on the snake through voice and energy relentlessly until it succumbed from the pursuit and as the snake rolled it became a woman in pain begging for the release of energy in the body. I stood there watching realizing the pain I had created in this being out of my fear in meeting hers. The dream ended as needed in my own realizations of the events.


Location: I thrive on the comfort and beauty of the Sun being seen, the warmth and safety of the light and understanding in life. A cloudy day is more likely to give way to turbulence than the sunny day, although I enjoy rain, I prefer it as the electrical force of the night. Without my house or core being at an intersection of possibly fear and the unknown created the locale the dream took place in. This was a dream about walking through fears in resolution at the same time, remaining the observer and resolver in knowing the circumstances of your life is in constant motion of your choosing and creation.

The man or masculine energy of myself found comfort with the large dogs yet walked away in recourse when they were hungry or looking for nurturing, as he did the chains that bound the large animal essence gave way to creating more freedom of pursuing being nurtured and fed on both an emotional and physical level. They were my canine energy growing stronger and more relentless in acquiring what was needed and desired. Unlike being great cats they lacked the ability to wait before pursuing and rather than feeling bound they stretched the links which they were bound by at the time, aggressive yet with a simpler desire in having basic needs fulfilled in relation to the mammoth bodies they encompassed.

The crocodile was not interested in being a predator even though my own conscious mind saw the croc as sign to move higher in my pursuit and a message that even when we feel we are moving slowly and interrupted in life, by staying grounded in our pursuits to see them as physical we could be missing what lies in our ability to raise or ascend to higher ground or levels of energy.

Being on a counter represents being on the edge or ledge or change being seen with the snake medicine in pursuit and if running or avoiding is not an option – how do we challenge the medicine or is there a need if the medicine is being shown as our own fear level to be recognized? In challenging and defeating the snake with the tools I had available both in a physical sense of voice and knowledge of energy, I found more of a defeat in seeing the snake as myself in transformation. An acute pain in the snake was maybe the most profound of messages given. A begging for the snake energy to be released is not one I had witnessed before and yet understood our own programming in life sees the snake as the villain even though many times the snake has approached without aggression, I was not willing to see that energy released without first weakening the source, which was myself as the predator and aggressor – we were one.

The subject of my spiritual lessons in the recent past have been in finding core peace, not just peace, but a core peace that lies without fear and strengthens in trust, faith and surrendering your human aspects to your spiritual self. Letting go and letting in the path of peace, not for the moment or the day, but for existence of your self energy. I asked before this dream to show me the way to core peace and what might seem like a disjointed nightmare which I never saw it as being, the messages were there. We all live with the snake medicine coiled inside of us begging for release from the physical to reside uncoiled between our physical and spiritual self, yet we hold on trying to tame and secure and even conquer the medicine before allowing a release – some might feel the release of this medicine precipitates the release to being physical or fear the release as altering the stability of the physical body. Just as the mammoth dogs, the croc and the snake wanted to be nurtured, each part of us rather than releasing the fears we choose to see fear as a predator in our life which by conquering is overcome.

We can choose to restrain what is large only to see it grow the ability to resist; our assistance in overcoming fear is not in the form of a stronger human in creating that protection or fear strength walking away from you without being aware. We are at a crossroads of many intersections in life, I could have chosen to turn the corner towards what appeared as safety at the T crossing in life or walked straight ahead and challenged the unknown. Oddly, I never thought or making the turn towards safety at the corner. I met the fears of my masculine and feminine selves to find they are both without fear though when strength is felt it seems to be more comfortable to choose a house of comfort rather than being pursued. This dream itself was a catalyst for me in divine timing as it could be done no other way. On July 7th, for many years this date as signified a day in my spiritual life where I have looked at deaths door, been folded into the energy which just is and with each annual visit each year comes a day marked in some form of growth and understanding beyond the previous 364 days. This dream prepared me for tomorrow whatever that might unfold as in my life, this year I will greet the day unfolded and released from repressing the snake medicine I held within into being just as it is. Some see the silver cord in life as being silver, for all the snakes I have witnessed and released I now see my as many brilliant colors intertwined far beyond the colors of the rainbow.

My physical birthday is September, my rebirth day each year is July 7th, year unending, I am strong, I am not without fears though with knowing all fears are also blessings, I am masculine and feminine as I desire in reaching in life, I am released and I am freely tethered yet able to expand that tether at anytime. I can choose to be grounded or I can choose to ascend at any moment without fear of releasing anymore than I choose and safe in the arms of love as my snake medicine is now released allowing me to fly. I can find the sunlight in the darker days of mortality knowing it is always shining in spirit and assistance when needed. I am the creator of my desires and destiny.


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