Miniature reality – it’s your choice!

It does not matter how large you become in this world, it is when you forget how miniature you are,you shrink again

Miniature reality – it’s your choice!
published 07.30.10

A few evenings ago at work I looked around and for just a little while feeling as if I was standing in a land of miniatures, moving and alive though a spec of this universe we call home in miniature form. Signage, people, vehicles and everything in motion was being observed as a very small reality, real though not quite real in perspective to how the world is viewed as life and the experience of living. I guarantee I do not drink or do any drugs; just at times I am spun into seeing in abstract, or is it? I see life as a constant process of review, with outcomes changed over the course of what we call eternity in the process. Without the linear time of our world all change would ripple as one intersecting throughout continuous quadrants of energy connections, without past, present or future being just the moment of forever.

We live within a form of this relay daily, relying on cyber to provide past, present and glimpse to the future in an instant. Unseen, known and validated in trust through our ability to access data and information along a virtual timeline which is without time, just available and this we trust because it is a process of evolution continually enhanced through the users or growing knowledge bases provided. Yet, when it comes to spirit or what is considered the ethers, we draw back in doubt and disbelief many times of the process being available. WE see this process every day; we disbelieve this process just as quickly, why? Validation is the key – cyber is validated as being tapped into and reliable though we have yet to actually see the transfer of information through the fibrous continuum we acknowledge. Scientific evidence as shown sound travel s without limits or barriers ongoing, unceasing in the process continuing to travel, telescopes relay images back to our world and speak of being closer to seeing the big bang, seeing through the limits of time and space yet calculating time and travel distance in validating what is found. Are these images being sent from the past or the future, neither, it just is. Allowing, us to contemplate through seeing a miniature image the vast size of the perception in creating a larger image in our mind.

Are we the large we perceive ourselves to be or the miniature in relation to a vastness we have yet to understand and only accept through imagery? Much as been wrote about the oneness in connection to other people and substance of our world. In mortal form this concept is easier to comprehend and be a part of. On a spiritual level, guidance from the “we” of you is the oneness continually prompting and interacting consciously or sub-consciously through choices, decision making and how you choose to be a part of your destined being as one. Visualizing a massive grid system, each point on the grid is another “we” or one you as a group of all you are, connecting into the next and the next with a constant exchange of thoughts and perceptions being shared which goes far beyond the person standing next to you, the animal kingdom or the tree in your yard. How miniature are you now? How small is the signage and activity in your life that surrounds your day in life in comparison and how great is the knowledge you are a part of receiving in allowing and accepting yourself to be the “we” rather than the one in connecting? And is this real – only you can choose how miniature or large you choose to be a part of all that is.


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