Hole in the bucket!
Hole in the bucket!
The majority of people are familiar with creating a "bucket list", infamous list of choices to be accomplished during your lifetime whether trips, meeting people, money or events not yet accomplished. How much thought is given to issues being resolved for the bucket also? Significant which still stand out in your thinking at times with a "what if" or being without resolution at all? If the person connected to the resolution is not longer accessible, what is the next step?An issue believed wronged which rather than carrying internally, you choose to share with those from this issue your thoughts on what could have been changed or different? In not looking to create a bucket list which would take a barrel drum to fill – keeping to the issue at hand is key or is reconnecting for any other reason a key also, resolution linked to past issue rather than creating new events or karma attached in the process.
Loss of communication and sharing initially many times leads to the issue for the bucket list, where your perception by being shared opens a line of discussion and acknowledging the perception of others, resolution is never one sided. The farther you examine the past in issues, events or the span of time will also affect the ability to allowing the issue to Findley rest as resolved in your bucket. People have the tendency to harbor for long periods of time in anger or unrest past issues in life. Are we looking for correction which could possibly be revealed though to allow the issue to rest as resolved more importantly is finding understanding. Life is a means for understanding your existence, level upon level of allowing understanding to fill and rest in your bucket rather than be fragmented throughout life outside your knowledge and understanding.
To start identifying any issues left without understanding remember decades in your life from the first to the present. For any decade was a significant event or interaction left undone in resolving bringing you to today in remembrance? Is a link available from this time or a person who can be contacted? A location which in memory creates thoughts now unresolved? Make a list for your bucket in reference to your life events jotting down the occurrence, person, location and feeling left unresolved. Being present now in accepting the connection facilitates the resolution and understanding. What is important, is touching with all your senses in the course of action you choose to take.
Touching from the heart is more apt to bring resolution than touching from anger. Recognizing your greatest fears were of the unknown, with the known releasing a fear. Allowing the issue or event to rest in the bucket as accomplished creates a greater core peace for your future. Only that which is resolved can truly be let go of. Bless the resolution for the form created in the process for your highest good. Is there a hole in you
bucket , seal the hole with peace in your life and being able to fully create life in total understanding