Death through the eyes of a small child


Death through the eyes of a small child

How does a small child view the death of someone close in their world? Do they understand the emotional body bringing the reality to such young senses? This morning my two granddaughters were present while a lady they had adopted as a grandmother figure slipped from this world, though not a planned event in their life to experience such as death is - the happening unfolded. The thoughts of the three-year old were the realization hugs and kisses from Nanie would no longer be a part of her life, then the tears flowed. The six year old wanted to call Daddy and solidify a hug would be waiting when this day was over. Two young minds, grasping at the thoughts of the loss and yet what still remained in their world trying to find a bridge of understanding.
My oldest daughter at four after the sudden loss of her grandpa chose a time of retreat, raising walls around her where she could hold love and getting close to people away, feeling this would create a safety zone from the pain of losing somebody you loved. Without saying a lot at the time, emotions became most evident when returning to her pre-school class a month later with a change from her social loving of attending to choosing not to speak or interact. A wonderful teacher and a huge bunny helped her find her way back to be open to accepting the affection of new beings in her life again but do the guards a child chooses to erect after experiencing death ever truly evaporate in life to full trust in living and loving. Children seem many times to be the forgotten in allowing their thoughts of death and loss to be revealed feeling "they are young and will get beyond today easier than the adult". Do they? An imprint has been placed in their energy fields without eraser, possibly closing but not erased.

A child who has experienced loss needs to be given the freedom for however long they choose to talk and reveal this effect to their life in the terms chosen to process the thoughts without being told the right or wrong of their thinking but understanding right or wrong in coming to terms does not need to be insisted or validated upon, only listening. Where a three year old might choose now to vision as her Nanie as being regardless of finding agreement, the child sees the connection as a point of peace. This might be heaven or eating cookies for eternity, at this time peace is correct, she is correct, she is coping as she walks the bridge of understanding. Where an adult might focus more on loss as being physical loss, to a child what might be most important is "what is she going to do now with my hugs and kisses". In time she will find those hugs and kisses in her heart for a lifetime.

Our life purpose is not that of fulfilling destiny, that we can change with our own thought processes many times in life, our purpose is finding understanding in all things without judgment. Life is meant for understanding life, this creates the meaning of your life. WE came with understanding and in those final moments understanding is with us again, all time in between is a space of mortal clarity for what we are already aware of. Today two little girls close to my heart stepped unto a footpath in understanding experiencing the transition from physical back to spirit again. Their Nanie was aware of what the process today would bring into their lives and with each wondering thought, a silent hug and kiss will touch their hearts making them laugh and cry as little ones do while being held by somebody they came to love in this world and finding the understanding that love though at times may be short in the physical world it is forever in the heart and spirit of being connected. The hugs and kisses are forever and only a memory away and with each one Nanie will again be touching their hearts. The wonderment of when body and spirit touch again.




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