Vampire Energy – Have you been bitten?
Vampire Energy – Have you been bitten?
Our world has been influenced for the last few years with the vampire curiosity through movies, books and aging exchange of conversation. Are vampires real or existent is a portrayed form in this world, as far as my knowledge the answer would be no to a physical sense. Energetically very real in how the relation of this energy affects the mortal world if given a chance. Through movies they are portrayed as taking a bite from a human neck and causing the demise of the life force but yet live immortally in another form. Energetically those carrying the vampire energy attach themselves to others with an agenda to be met – befriending those who they see as instrumental or productive to self gain and feeding from their energy fields or life force without regret to any chaos, damage or alienation done in the process.
In reality to the mortal world we have all known or do know a vampire energy, a person when in contact with will attempt to change your being to suit their needs leaving you to feel chaos abounds in your life and form without explanation other than the physical exhaustion and symptoms of fatigue and disruption in your life. They seem unaffected in the process with stamina to proceed and they are, your energy fields keep them nurtured. Ending usually comes with a person being discarded as unnecessary to their quest or agenda and many times continuing to attest the last victim as victimizing themselves. Being a very real depletion to your own life force, re-energizing yourself only becoming possible with severing the energy connections which were in place.
Would anyone knowingly allow vampire energy to enter their life? Entrance is done under the guise of being weak, needing assistance and stroking the victims' ego as being a benefactor to the energy, much being as portrayed in cinema - charismatic, charming and weakening in the process. Vampire energies attempt to never really let the victim go even when choosing to dispose of another, always feeling a building control over others to keep energy levels intact as they parade through life from being weak to feeling strong without remorse, only conquest.
Wrecking havoc through families, companies, governments in all forms that serve their thirst of conquest without fangs of the mortal but yet fully pronged to reduce and reuse another at will. Vampire energy in your life is understood on a level of intuition without the physical reasoning, when the physical reasoning becomes apparent release from the energy becomes a predominant force towards the vampire energy attached leaving that energy with the intent to become stronger and remain in control at all costs. Manipulation becomes intensified along with projecting a need of being unable to move forward without assistance creating a cycle of liaison being repeated.
How do you disengage from vampire energy? Focus is always the power of intent, your focus, strength and inward movement to releasing a seemingly outward entity in your life which has taken hold of your mind, body and spirit in the attempt to reduce who you are. Release this energy, visualize cutting the energy cord of connection, fill and empower your energy field again with the knowledge of who this is and your choice of no longer being connected on any level of mind, body or spirit.
Can vampire energy change? Yes. Vampire energy feeds a lower energy level which fosters the need to constantly replenish from another rather then from within. We ALL hold the power of transformation of energy levels and even vampire energies hold the free will to release themselves if chosen, a universal choice of their creation as all other choices are. They have to choose without your desire to recreate who they are, that is not your choice of free will. From choices of worship, family, community and all existing forms of this world they do exist and have bitten the unaware. Step back, detach and allow your self to move forward at a higher level of energy, we walk with many forms of energy throughout existence constantly choosing those we will walk with for a short time or a lifetime, your choice, their choice, have you been bitten?