360 degree view of the NOW
360 degree view of the NOW
Connecting link to existence is gathering knowledge through experience, information is data which provides a relative point of reference in realizing experiences exist, yet for the data to become knowledge takes the experience of interacting if our choice is to stay aware. Staying aware is staying present, not in past experience or attempting to precipitate future experience – staying present, right here and right now.
Wherever you might be sitting, standing or moving right now – STOP! Intake all which is taking place in a 360 degree rotation around you at this moment, this is your present state. This is your visible field of energy at this moment, all outside of your visible energy field is a probability of thought and not present in your moment. Many are drawn to the Harry Potter movies, some might believe it is the magic or action of the film though sub-consciously a greater desire is the constant experiencing throughout with data either acted on or the synchronicity of each moment creating new variables and choices being made which affect the outcome of a new moment of existence through gaining the knowledge of the experience.
Movies yes, though also relative to the desires of mortality and life. Striving to gain knowledge through the experiences on our path of choices in a probability of thought we call lifetime. A spiritual thought creating a mortal lifetime through an endless choice of probabilities to resolve that thought or reasoning. In a flash of a mortal eye, a lifetime begins and ends over any variable of linear time to process the thought which created your mortality of yet the spirit of who you are. Each passing day folds into a timeless existence in reflection, you remember the experiences which created the knowledge you carry more so than the events of daily life. Experiences gained and remembered as the processing of thoughts carry you through a larger spiritual thought of incarnation.
Without linear time, a constant processing of thoughts as a spiritual being creates simultaneous lives being lived throughout your own creation of thoughts. You are an endless creation of a greater mind as we might perceive in our world constantly creating or recreating thoughts/lifetimes without end and gathering the knowledge as one thought being brought together and restructured as a never ending story of our creation. No past, present or future – just the NOW new original wonderment unique as your DNA, your choice of creating your knowledge is unduplicated by another.
A change in thought today changes the NOW of your eternal being, sharing experiencing and renewing your never ending story in creation of being the master of your imprint. Your book of life is your book of NOW as all lives are co-existent and relevant as a finely tuned tone of the soul or greater self. As we proceed through life replaying thoughts and cycles we are choosing to remain in the cycle of mortality unhinged from spiritually being as is. NOW that you have viewed your 360 degree rotation of the moment of all, which cycle do you choose to experience? New or review as your state of creation is our choice, allowing the next moment to unfold rather than be a creation built on past experience which leaves little room for new experience and knowledge. Open a new door yet do not close the door behind you, blocking the blessings of past knowledge to travel through the doors and windows of processing new destinies of your choice at will or each day as desired. You are free to will a new existence or enhance your view of comfort. Choose well and choose freely to find the job of life as joy.