Today is a good day to CREATE
An unexpected find on film of a family who followed the practice of the vision board in manifesting and believing the dreams they had could be manifested through faith.
Part 1: Everyone is aware of
mind/body/spirit aka
consciousness/unconsciousness/super-consciousness. What inhibits the
ability to create is likened to seeing the above slashes of
separation of the definitive given. We find ourselves looking at the
process as separate entities of the process. Related, yet of varying
degrees of perception. Likewise, perceiving our being as being here
with another space as being there or outside of yourself. When you
remove the commas and slashes a foundation begins to build without
separation. Cornerstones being transformed into points of a sphere,
as North South East West. Each as strong and secure as the other,
unbound by any points or lines which change the outcome. Creation of
the sphere itself, is as you are in a mortal being.
You are surrounded by an
energy field which sustains the mortal body with approximately an 8'
radius. Within this sphere you exist in your mortal universe and hold
all perceptions,thoughts,judgments,acts and deeds or your mortal
creation. Outside the limitations of your mortal energy field is the
spiritual universe in the definition of your choice. All that lies
beyond, is close to your mortal energy field at all times. If you
were to set two objects in front of you in close proximity, the
objects you are viewing would represent your mortal being and energy
with the space between representing the spiritual universe and what
is considered beyond yourself.
At the core or center of
your energy field is you with a linkage from your feet through your
head into the control center of the mind. Pulling from all other
energy centers as needed in keeping the mind fed and supplied through
a journey of life changing thought processing, not just in a
predisposed outline which can be concluded as destiny or fate. Rather
an immense ability to continually create and recreate the life you
choose to live and the journey you choose to process with the ability
to tap into from your mortal universe and spiritual universe as one
without separation.
Mortality is a doubtful
beast which veils you from accepting who you are. In every belief
system, an outer destination exist where all is possible and thought
is not separated by doubt of what exist, what is possible or being
able to be more than you perceive you can be. First we believe what
is imagined cannot be real, then what is imagined can be real and
finally it just is. Miracles are impossibilities seen as possible.
Once it is seen as possible, it is labeled a miracle rather than the
ability to imagine and manifest the change. When a prayer is
answered, the prayer is immediately assigned outside of yourself as
being responsible for the change. Fear is a process of not
understanding the unknown, what we know we do not fear, what we do
not know – we fear.
The beast of doubt is a
predator which seals your mortal self from your more knowing self in
attempting to step beyond predisposed boundaries we have placed in
our consciousness to keep the slashes and commas as separate
entities. We are part of one energy, entity and universal mind. The
universal mind does not function in separation or levels, we do. As
we pass through the experience of life and thought processing, we
pass through many windows and doors once thought to be off-limits
previously. This is the evolution of thought processing without
separation of thought and ability to process in a mortal form.